Monday, March 30, 2009

Weekly Vocabulary Assignment

1. Word / Phrase: Ramp

Meaning: The memory stick for the computer.

Context: I heard this word from my mentor. While he opened the computer and teaching us.

2. Word / Phrase: Motherbored

Meaning: The main part of the computer that upgrades your computer.

Context: During the the time my mentor was teahing us aboutt he parts of computer.

3. Word / Phrase: Ethernet Card

Meaning: One of network adapter that support ethernet stander for high speed network.

Context: I heard some one talking to my mentor.

4. Word / Phrase: Hard drive

Meaning: The space that hold your data.

Context: while my mentor was talking about the parts of computer.

5. Word / Phrase: Wireless card

Meaning: The card that have wireless connection for the computer.

Context: While one of my intern friend was told to take it out from the computer.

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